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T03 Fundamentals for Management of Hydrotechnical Hazards

T03 Fundamentals for Management of Hydrotechnical Hazards


Fundamentals for the Management of Hydrotechnical Hazards Course

Building upon the Fundamentals for the Management of Geotechnical Hazards course, this course introduces the management of hydrotechnical hazards as they relate to the operating and maintenance stages of the pipeline lifecycle. With a review of the main hydrotechnical hazard types and the potential impact on pipelines, the course builds upon a four-phased approach to geohazard management along with key considerations for each phase that are specific to hydrotechnical hazards. The fundamental concepts introduced in this course provide a strong foundation for building skills to address hydrotechnical events on an operating pipeline. This online course includes straightforward scenarios and self-assessments to clarify and reinforce key concepts for learners while providing individuals the flexibility to review and reinforce the material at their own pace.

Recommended background/career experience:
•    Early to mid-career practitioners with engineering/technical backgrounds or those responsible for or supporting geotechnical hazard management program activities.

Recommended pre-requisite knowledge:
•    Basic familiarity with the concepts behind pipeline operation and maintenance activities.
•    Basic knowledge in the areas of civil works, geotechnical, and/or environmental domains.

Pre-requisite courses and materials:
•    Individuals taking this course should be familiar with the content presented in the Fundamentals for the Management of Geotechnical Hazards course. 

Quick facts:
• Course format: Online, on-demand
• Course length: ~2.5 hours

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